Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lookin for a Hot Moped

Class has me on lock, so no time to express myself. For those who know, I am not looking for a cool moped, I need a hot one!


At 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time use Jargon that we ALL can understand. Gee, we all haven't been as fortunate to attened HARVARD!

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you've actually been to Harvard, then you would think from your comments you would understand a little more about the economy and inflation. If gas went up with inflation like everything else in the world has, then gas would be around $4 a gallon.

Secondly, get the hell up off SS reform. Understand the implications of what you are discussing before you start going off on Bush for trying to fix something that is broke or won't be there when you get old enough to use it.


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