Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Brotha or A Sista?

I think this is my first post of 2008, so Happy Belated New Year's to you! May we be continuously blessed and successful in our every endeavors. On that note,
So Bro. Obama won the primary Iowa. The media made a big hoopla about it. But last night, he placed second to Hillary in New Hampshire. So the big news today was "The Big Comeback." What comeback? The brother won one primary...the race just started, and its already a comeback for Hillary? It's entirely way too early to get excited about any of this. Or to even attempt to gauge whether our country is ready to embrace a colored man or a woman as president?
Speaking of whether the nation is ready to embrace a colored president, I should be asking if blacks are ready for a black president? Or are we so pessimistic of Obama's early success, finding it too good of a thing to be true, that we vote for anutha? I am not too sure how I feel about the question of whether he is Black enough to garner African-American votes? What, is Hillaryor Edwards MORE black than he? Wtf?
I'm still undecided though as it relates to who I like in the race. Yet the media coverage to be, interesting, to say the least. For instance, did you catch the interview with Obama's granny in Kenya on her thoughts about his win in Iowa. I'm astonished that they (the media) would even go there? Putting an true African face on the election. That's really gonna help him win southern states. I figured you wanted to see the interview. So here it is.
Not to get stuck on race, I have to touch on gender too. Is America ready for a female president? Some segments are but, lets see what happens when she comes to the South. How is it that the most backwards ass states may dictate whether an African-American or a woman becomes our next president. Are you in one of the states? Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Arkansas, and then I have to add, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, as if a cat whose middle name is Hussein stands a chance winning those states. Let's just be real.
On that thought, talking about his name, I came across an interesting statement. "What's so interesting is how easily and quickly, after just a few early news accounts, the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim has made it into mainstream discourse. Not just Ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey -- Obama is asked about his "Muslim" upbringing by legitimate interviewers...And it occasionally comes up in Q and A sessions with voters. And the media -- myself included, I guess -- seem to obsess about the implications of both the false allegation of his faith and the reasons why it's damaging, in America, to be associated with that religion." From, http://
So what I see happening if Obama's campaign continues to gain momentum, folks are going to start popping him with low blows about how he was raised as a child and where he stands on his faith. As if he is somehow the Manchurian Candidate of Al-Qaida. Not that his faith even matters, wasn't BuckFush supposed to be all holy and ish, and you see where that got us.,0,1634059,print.story?coll=bal_news_nation_promo
Oops, I got off subject. I was asking whether a woman could win the presidency. Did you see the jerk that heckled Hillary while she was giving a speech in New Hampshire. Dude stood up and held a sign that stated "Iron My Shirt" as if to say, home is where a woman should be. Personally, it seemed a little staged to me. You know, last minute political ploy to get those women who were undecided between Hillary and the other candidates. Even so, all is fair in love and politics.
Try this out, it's a Presidential Calculator, it helps determine based on your views of the issues, who the candidate is for you. Tells me Biden is my man. Go figure?


At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You made several excellent points in this piece. And, yes, I agree it is immoderately early to get excited regarding any candidate's initial success.

At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up Zee? It is waayyyy too early to call the race. When will black people realize that Bill Clinton was not the 1st black president, cause he not black? Anyway, isn't it weird how in the debates Hillary gets to say ish like "I embody change, I could be the 1st woman president" but if Obama makes one comment about being black he would get shut down as using the race card?

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Spike Zee said...

KT, no doubt it is wayyyy to early. The media doesn't have jack to cover, well, thats a lie, it has ish to cover, but won't so it feeds us all this campaign hype. Waiting for the smears to start. Also, notice how Hillary can talk about sex, but if you want to discuss race, its kind of hushed.

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Don said...

I agree it's way too early to start hatching eggs, but the win in Iowa did shock.

The media has the power to pretty throw a monkey wrench in Obama's momentum, so let's just see how they play it.

I don't see how every black vote cast shouldn't be for Barack Obama.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here comes the race wars!!!! And who in the hell let Bob Johnson speak for Black America... the man who founded BET and sold it to the man who filled it with programming that often shows the worst of ourselves? Whatever, the Clintons are race-baiting and trying to make Obama talk about race to make him a one-dimensional candidate.


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