Thursday, January 24, 2008

All You Can Read Buffet

Here's what I got out of this past King Holiday after hearing all the speeches and watching all the marches and the old footage of Dr. King.

It's not wrong to evaluate the blackness of others politically, we use it to gauge others in other avenues of life.

Some folk don't join the movement till their actual interest is in jeopardy. Until their interest is at stake, there will criticize your participation in the movement.

If you make it big, use your "bigness" to help somebody else. Who have you helped besides you?

Some Black folk talk about they made it on their own, but it was the civil rights strikes and marches that made somebody read their resume or their application. You aint the first qualified negro. Dig that!

Organizing and protesting aint old school. Can we say Jena, LA?

If you scared to speak out, say you scared, sit down, and let someone else be vocal. Whoa..that reminds me of BLSA.

Why can't there ever be more than one negro vocal at one time? Back in the day, there was Malcolm, Martin, Fannie Lou, Thurgood and others all advocating for the cause. Now days....who is there?

What side are you on and what role do you wanna play?

Do you have meaning and purpose?

Hope is ok, but FAITH is much better.

Last week I touched on Bob Johnson and his nerve to go there with Barak about his past. Mind you Bob made a living off BET as it glamorized the gangsta life and booty poppin. It was on his watch that the network dropped quality programing like Teen Summit, or people like Ed Gordon and Tavis Smiley. Here's a good read on more of Bob's dealings. This writer laid into him,
Foreclosures are forcing Mayor's to seek aid. "Facing a collapse in the subprime mortgage market that has pockmarked their cities with vacant houses and crippled their budgets, the nation’s mayors pleaded Wednesday for a huge infusion of federal aid." Read the rest,
So, the economy is in the tank. Omg...say it aint so, who could have foreseen such a thing? Hmmm....I...R...A...Q.....700 Million a day? "A war against Iraq could cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, play havoc with an already depressed domestic economy and tip the world into recession because of the adverse effect on oil prices, inflation and interest rates, an academic study [by William Nordhaus, Sterling professor of economics at Yale University] has warned." [Independent, 11/16/02]
So now the big story is the economic stimulus plan. Both taxpayers and non-payer will reportedly receive $300 to $800 bucks and those with kids get 300 per kid, I believe up to $1200. Damn I aint go no kids!! Not to be so damn pessimistic, but, I'm not sure how that's gonna kick start the economy when as soon as you cash the check, you are sending that loot to pay off Visa, Discover and Mastercard for one's monthly expenses. I'm no economist, but..... I did come across a good article written by Nomi Prins, and she asks, "Will Bush’s Stimulus Package Work? It Depends on Who You Ask" Here is another opinion on the proposed stimulus package by Paul Krugman of the NYT.
I guess that's all for now folks...gotta bust a move.


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