Friday, August 11, 2006

Open Your Bags Please

I don't know what to think about the current terror alert. These alerts always seem to come at some opportune time. I am thankful that I left London when I did though, because it would not have been pretty standing in those long security lines.
When I stand back and look at this whole terrorism thing from afar, my question becomes why do these folk despise us so? Why do they want to harm your average American? In London, whites, I am not even talking about ethnic people or Arabs, but British white folk (I can't tell you how many high fives I got from white dudes when they learned I was not a Bush supporter)despise Bush over his foreign policy, and they lump most Americans in the same boat because it was us who re-elected the NUT. That being said, if the British whites despise our current government, how does one expect Iraqis, Lebanese and whoever else fits the terrorist profile when it comes to their hate for America? Collateral damage, we have heard that term when it comes to when our military accidently kills innocent civilians, those folk are collateral damage. So I guess the question becomes, how do you and I feel when we become potential collateral damage for terrorist? Shit don't feel too good does it?
Bottom line is as long as our foreign policy continues status quo, we will continue to create enemies and potential terrorists. Lets go to the source, we seem to be playing defense on this whole terrorism game, lets go to origin of what is causing these folk to go to great lengths to harm us. Doesn't anyone wanna know why? So long as we continue on this path, we will soon be required to strip down, change clothes and wear pre-approved clothes when we travel, (I wanted to say fly naked but I think you get the point.) I dare suspect that this is just the first of many Red Alert days...
Then as I sit here looking in my monitor, I glance up, and some fool on CNN is showing us exactly how to make a damn liquid bomb on a plane. WTF? Ain't gotta look that s@#$ up now.....Bombmaking made easy - CNN.
Oh, I did change the music yesterday, that's the result of listening to that Malcolm X tape, I just could not resist it. I guess I will let it play another day or two, so cut your speakers down at work......


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