Sunday, August 07, 2005

No More Par-layin

Damn, my vacation has come to an end. No more staying up to 2 a.m., no more sleeping till noon, no more home cooked meals, no more driving and not paying for gas, no more nada. Its back to the grind for me. Time surely passes by fast when you're having fun. Let's look back at the highlights of my trip.
Spent quality time with my sisters. I miss you guys already. I hate that I am not around to spend more time with you all. You three are so unique, with Lord knows quite complicated personalities. Naj, make things a lil more easier for yourself, do what you gotta do to keep folk off your tail, I promise things will be much more easier for you if you find that middle ground. Nur, finish your credits up so you can get your transfer on. Saffi, don't make me come back out here cause you trippin in the 12th., Do your work girl. Love ya'll
Kicked with my homies from back in the day. Its funny how all the kids who grew up behind us, got kids and we still doing whatever the heck we doing.
Six Flags with my peeps. Yo Mo, you need to be averaging 19 pts, 8 rebs, and 6 assists a game for State. Do your thing boy......can I be your agent?
Kickboxing class with Pops. You just gotta brown nose in class asking for ten more pushups or twenty more crunches. Those folk in class are gonna revolt on you if you keep it up, either that, or slip an ole fashion low blow while sparring. I gotta give you your props though, for 60, you got mad energy and desire. But, I can still hang with you. Oh yea, Lighten up at the shop, release your reigns and let Naj handle hers.
Moms, what can I say, always there for a brotha. Can't go there while blogging.
Lets see, I probably missed some stuff. I sho hate it's back to clerking and classes in a few
weeks. I got to get used to using my brain again, and fast.
Miss ya'll already................


At 11:03 PM, Blogger princessdominique said...

Sounds like you had a blast :)


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