Monday, October 08, 2007

Tapping On

Herenton was re-elected by a majority of Memphians. Mission Accomplished! I learned a great deal about the ins and outs of running a major campaign over the past two months. Overall, it was an experience. Now that it is over, back to the grind.
Memphis politics is a trip though I must admit. Unless you have clicked up with the right inner circles or are prepared to spend a lot of cash, you will not be elected. Unfortunately for Memphis, it misses out on individuals with a desire to make a difference because they are never given an opportunity to serve by the electorate.
While I'm on the subject of politics, Ol'Uncle Thomas, my bad....Clarence Thomas has dropped a new book. Mind you paid almost 1.5 million by Fox's News Murdoch, yea....the book is entitled "My Grandfather's Son". I think he is about the bitterest black man in America and he has a job. Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall on the court, and I dare say he is a thorough disappointment. His written opinions are some of the most outrageous. On him being the only black on the court and his failure to rule in the interests of his people he asks, How much does Scalia care about (the interest of) Italians? I still take issue with him and his view of Affirmative Action, as he gorged himself of the fruit the tree produced, but he quickly joined in on the chopping of it down, claiming there was no longer a need for the tree. Dare I say ....... Ohh I wanna type something else.....but........... Anyway, here he is on 60 Minutes last week.
If you wanna watch the rest of the interview, which I must say was softball part two and part three Watch his C-Span interview, Here is also an interesting article by Eugene Robinson,
I am perplexed by those Republicans who are so concerned about a woman's right to choose and how the forming/growing fetus has a right to live, but those same folk are anti-health care for actual living children. Odd aint it? It's like we gonna make you have this baby but don't you dare ask for anything that will aid you in raising the child. I am referencing SCHIP. Bush vetoed the bill that covered 6.6 million low-income children whose families are not eligible for Medicaid insurance but who cannot afford private health insurance. Now here is the disgusting part, Bush doesn't want to spend $35 billion more over the next five years on coverage for children, as he is "philosophically opposed" to the government subsidizing what he terms the middle class. Get this though, The proposed $35 billion SCHIP expansion was to be paid for by a 61-cent increase in federal taxes on tobacco products. Nonetheless, a veto. This is the same President that has spent (I should say flushed) almost 700 billion on the Occupation in Iraq. Disgusting aint it? Perhaps there will be enough votes to over-ride the veto. Won't we see? Additional reading
There is no excuse for this officer doing this 15 year old girl the way he did. Dare I say that if the officer were black and the young girl white, he might be looking for a new job. This is unacceptable, especially when you are arresting the young girl for a curfew violation. He nearly broke the girl's arm, and in fact punched her in the face and pepper sprayed her. He is a punk, no doubt. Don't even argue resisting arrest. A curfew charge....and cuffs....Please...
So have you figured out who or what Blackwater is?
Oh yea, got me, I was wrong. Dang!


At 8:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I read different numbers? I dont think Herenton was voted for by a "majority of Memphians". I voted for him, but from what I understand a majority of Memphians voted against him, but those votes were split between other candidates. Hardly a ringing endorsement.

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Spike Zee said...

"Majority" as is more folk voted for him over the other candidates. Who can predict what the numbers would look like had one of the other candidtates sat out.


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