Friday, August 26, 2005

I survived my first week back......kinda.

Why did I think class began at 1:30 on Friday. So I get to the classroom, at exactly 1:27, open the door, out of the view of the professor who is deep in his lecture, see my boy, smirking, and likely muttering "late azz". I see a few chicks in class, smiling and shaking their heads. So, in a mater of three seconds I summarize my options and the ramifications of my decision. I can casually walk on in, and grab my seat, and likely the professor will, stop his lecture, direct a few words of disdain for my interruption, or he could stop his lecture, direct a few words of disdain and promptly tell me to get the hell on, you are late and therefore absent. Its wayyyy to early in the semester to be getting embarrassed in class, so I decided to hold on to my kool points and bounced.
I was sitting down minding my own business waiting for class to start on Thursday, when these two older white military vets decided to get loud in front of me while discussing the War in Iraq. That is a no no. Dude said something ridiculous while discussing war protestors. So I asked him are protestors not allowed to question how it is the nation was led to war. So he tells me we went to war because of the 3000 or so killed on 9/11. So while keeping a very mellow tone, I sarcastically ask, so many Iraqis were amongst the hijackers? Then he goes on to say well Colin Powell (he tried to pull the race card on me) told the U.N., Saddam was harboring Al Qaida and Zarqawi. Since he had the audacity to throw Powell at me, I unleashed a couple of jabs, I said Colin has already commented on the fact that he basically regrets the presentation he made on that day to the U.N and that the region that the alleged Al Qaida members were present, Saddam had no control over as that area was in the no fly zones we were patrolling. Any way dude was full of shit as he went on about WMD's, so I shut him down with the President's own boy David Kay has clearly acknowledged that there are/were no WMD'S in Iraq. Dude flipped the script and asked me if I have served my country in the military or in war. I was like hell naw, thank god.... So he was like well I have been in seven conflicts, naming them off. My response was I honor your service, but our boys and girls over there in Iraq should have never been sent there on some bullshit. End of conversation.
So I close out this blog honoring a few young people who have had their young lives taken in Iraq. Ramona Valdez, died at the age of 20 on July 9th in a car bomb explosion in Iraq. Adrian Butler, age 28, died on July 27th, when a bomb blew up by his vehicle. Leslie Jackson, age 18, died when a makeshift bomb exploded near her vehicle.
Now, the counter to my argument is that these people knew that when they enlisted there would be a possibility that they would be called on to serve their country in battle. I accept that argument. My point is those soldiers should be able to rely upon their country and their President that they would not be sent to war on hunches, lies, personal vendettas, or straight up bullshit. Those who have lost their lives in Iraq were fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters,.....loved ones. They should still be here living their lives if our system of government worked the way it should. That's all I am going to say on that. Excuse any typos.....


At 10:33 PM, Blogger DJ Diva said...

I'm cosigning.


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