Friday, December 08, 2006

What You Call Me, Nicca?

When Kramer from Seinfeld, Mr. Richards, went on his tirade using the word Nicca, I don't know if I can say whether I was offended. The way he used the word, or should I say the situation in which he used it, made me raise my brow. But I kind of just blew the whole incident off. I guess the code is, "Whites best not use the word".
I was in class one day, when a professor discussing a discrimination case, said the word nicca while lecturing. I halted the note taking to marinate mentally for a second, could he have just said "the N word", instead of nicca? I thought as well, why you acting all sensitive, you say the damn word too, tighten up. Mind you the professor who said it is one the realest, there was no need to determine whether he got any pleasure out of saying the word.
When I relocated from Cali to Memphis, I never used the word. I was a Public Enemy head, such words were a violation. I would literally lecture my friends who did use the word towards each other. Then I got to LOC. Like water on a rock, in time I started using the word.
Jessie J., recently challenged the entertainment community to cease and desist using the word. The word has become so darn common, it flows like water from their mouths. Little kids use it like its nothing. I do think that rap, and comedians are somewhat to blame. (Yea I am blaming rappers for some more ish.)
Either way, I think black folk are gonna have to let whites have an open pass to use the word. WHY NOT? WE AINT OFFENDED NO MO BY THE WORD. ARE WE?
Here's a good piece to read, here is a quote from the article., "Every day we are made conscious of our own race and status in society by a host of peers and judges in a range of venues. And even if we never have to endure an altercation with the police, we still are acutely aware of how easily we can be made to feel like niggers: our gait, tone, behavior, our proximity to valuables (or more valuable people) is scrutinized. And our choice to accept this reality and conform to earn that eye contact, that begrudging customer service or that success in hailing a cab is related to this issue of brutality, because it is an assault on our citizenship and very humanity." The link,


At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This issue came up a few weeks ago. A brother was saying how the use of the word is terrible and the kids should stop using it...

I noticed that the word is used a lot from rappers out of the l.a. district. Some will use it repetitively like a refrain. I started thinking about it as I was listening to some lyrics and I said that maybe what the youth are doing is taking the sting out of the word, redefining it, if you will. Maybe, we should let this generation reshape it and see what happens. In any case, use of the word -- for those who choose to use it -- won't make the clock turn back to Jim Crow. When it comes down to it, you know if it is being used to which case you better get ready to defend yourself or suffer a beat down lol. (the dam)


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