Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Coming home always allows me an opportunity to get my head back on straight. Being around family always seems to bring that big picture back in sight, clearly.
My Cali friends are always asking why am I living in Memphis? They wanna know what is it about Memphis. Hell....I dunno, specially the way negroes clowning already.
I guess at the end of the day it's about opportunity. I have seen more opportunity in Memphis than I have ever seen in Cali. From educational opportunities to professional opportunities, so from that standpoint, Memphis has been good to me.
I've never had more access to professionals, black for that matter, than in Memphis. Why is that such a big deal? These people have at some point in their lives traveled the same path I find myself on. Bottom line, find a mentor, or a few mentors.
We are 18 months away from the Presidential elections, 18 months, and we are well into the debates, who's leading the polls, all that bs, 18 months out. It just seems so premature to me. Are the powers that be that anxious to get the current losers out of office? I mean who really cares at this point? The world and the politics of the day are sure to change within these 18 months. Why should I be watching this crap?
So I am watching the debates, and I noticed. Why do they ask the Dems about issues like Iraq, universal healthcare, energy, but then they ask the Repubs, bout gays in the military, evolution, how to use Bush, wtf?
My thoughts on the republican debates.......hmmm......uhh.....ten white dudes in black suits....Absolutely no representation from anybody else.
On to some news, considering how now I have to pay for my own gas....check out how the gas prices are affecting food prices. Folk gotta choose between putting some gas in the tank and adequately feeding their fams. Read if for yourself,,CST-NWS-food06.article#national
Two recent rulings by military judges on two individuals being held in Guantanamo is a sign that many others may be release at some near time in the future. These guys have been held in legal limbo for some time, including one kid since the age of fifteen. You may click, or you can click,,,2095488,00.html
For more analysis on the ruling and Habeas Corpus, Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington Law,
I guess that's all for now.


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