Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Is It Almost OV?

There have been a whole lot of natural disasters taking place within the past few months, around the globe. Most recent, the massive earthquake in India/Pakistan. At this stage in the rescue operations, the death toll is about 25,000, but the search for bodies has just gotten started. There are floods in Guatemala, that has taken a few thousand lives. We had Katrina basically destroy New Orleans, and I have not yet heard an official body count. All in all, are these signs from God, signalling us that he is about to wrap this thing up? We've all heard that Armeggedon talk before. Is it rapidly aproaching? Do we have time to show God we can do betta if only we can get a second chance? Scary aint it. I know I aint trying to be around when the horn sounds.
Yea, I did kinda get this blog off to a gloomy start, my bad.
I never really commented on the Bush Nominees for the Supreme Court. John Roberts gained confirmation from the Senate. As I knew he would. So I did not even bother stating my disaproval of him. Dude seems a little too damn perfect, I mean he has a helluva resume, but something just ain't right about this cat. Everybody's got a blemish or two for something, some hidden Hustler, "lol not Playboy, Playboy has good articles right?" but Hustler magazines, an illegal immigrant as a nanny, some fixed tickets, something at least. Be it that none of the above was discovered. I prefer judges who can relate to the common people, whose decision's they make ultimately affect. Roberts has pretty much been a government attorney all of his life, he has not per se, fought cause for the people. The other side of the argument supports justices that strictly interpret the constitution, and who interpret the words in it plainly, that would be like Scalia and Thomas. If these fools had their way strictly interpretting the constitution, my azz would be somewhere picking cotton, or taking some lashes from masta. Neither blacks nor white chicks would be voting, (bad example, black folk aint voting anyway) WASP'S males would be running the world into the ground, (damn, another bad example, they already doing that!) I think you get my drift.
Now Bush has nominated his personal attorney, Harriet E. Miers to replace Justice O'Connor's. All I gotta say is that anybody who considers George Bush to be the most brilliant man that they have ever met would automatically be grounds for disqualification. Yea, she said that too. Not to mention, she is kinda scary looking too.
On a lighter note, I am a big fan of the Gap Band from back in the day, my moms got me hooked on them. For those who don't know, Charlie Wilson was the lead singer in that group. His new single has grown on me, but.................why the hell he wait thirty years to go solo? And since he waited so long, now he has to remake his image, to fit today's style. Which means he had to get braids, or cornrows, whatever you want to call them. He looks a mess, I hate it when grandfathers who may have once been kool, try to stay kool. In his next video, I understand he will be sporting a icy white t-shirt, and Timb's.
Memo to Ray J. Dude, give it up. Please. The ride is over.....


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