Saturday, October 15, 2005

Million Man Part Duece

I admit, I laid in bed watching C-Span all morning, and afternoon, waiting to be inspired and motivated by one of the speakers at the Million Man March II. I can't say I got that inspiration I was looking for. I was hoping to hear someone with a plan. I heard alot of ideas, but nothing really of substance. I was glad to see some of the speakers challenging those who attended to go back to their communities and get active, do something. I was quite annoyed by all of the speakers on stage shouting black power. I guess those individuals were short on words and had to rely upon those empty words to get a response from the audience. Black power? What the hell is that? How do I get some of it? And what the heck was up with that damn rapper who came on stage trying to flow to his un-edited cd laced with profanity. He promptly apologized and took his ass off stage. Kind of reminded me of Sexual Chocolate on Coming to America. Anyway, I am not hating on the event. It's good to see us doing something, but it is imperative that a plan of attack is established to address the woes of the black community. Unfortunately, I did not see it, at the end of the day, we are back on sqaure one. Don't ask me what do I suggest, I got some ideas, but they are not ready to be unveiled at this time.
My Top Three Issues in Black America 1. Black on Black crime 2. Education 3. Unemployment/Poverty
Since I spent my day in bed, I gotta spend the rest of my night, getting my read on. Till the next time.....Black Power! Syke......


At 12:46 PM, Blogger MIZPOWDERPINK said...

LMAO...yeah well it's unfortunate that we are spinning our wheels. I was attending Howard during the 1st one. If you remember, they wanted all the women to stay home. I did.....I was hopeful that the men would come back to campus with some new insight on how to propel our community. The tone that whole week before was stenghth, honor and intellect. I even went to hear Farrakahn speak at the chapel that week.

Needless to say, they came back the same..damit!


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