Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thank You Lawd

Yea I wish I got all A's. I got my grades back finally, after almost a month of agony, re-analyzing my answers as I lay in bed, drive in the car, and over meals, I passed everything. Much thanks to God, and thanks to all who sent prayers out for me. Thank-you!!! I swear it was hard to focus on anything but grades over the past weeks. Woke up thinking about them, went to bed thinking about them. Now, I can focus on summer school.
I don't even know where I want to start.
So I shall enjoy this one day, without thinking about grades, and I will be back with some things that have been floating in my mind.
RIP Mr. Cleavers, AKA "Frog", you were one kool cat.


At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah on the grades Bra. Keep up the good work. When do you leave for the country the sun never shines on?


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