Friday, April 14, 2006


I can't even watch my regular news these days, way too much over analysis going on by the talking heads.
I'm particularly tired of all of the discussions over the Duke rape case. There is way too much speculation going on by both sides, but it is somewhat disgusting to see the talking heads do their best to tear down the alleged victim. I don't even want to bring race in the issue per se, but I do think the media would treat this woman differently if she was white. Let's see, she is a stripa, she has a prior record, and then she's black. As I flipped stations yesterday, there was a frenzy over what the police dispatch tape, where an officer on scene described her condition as "passed out drunk". So now, the chick is an alcoholic. Not once, did the talking heads mention the possibility the woman had been drugged or anything as such. Can anyone say date rape drug? Point is, on the DA truly knows what he is working with, only the chick and the Duke players know what took place. If you want to destroy the woman, can't you at least wait until the evidence has been submitted?
Damn, do I have to see another segment on Aruba?
More Bush scandal.............but no BJ yet. Oh well........
The dying continues in Iraq.........where's the outrage?
Flipping station to ESPN......
Barry Bonds is chasing Babe, Media chasing Bonds cause he is huge and used to be skinny so he has got to be on steroids. Maybe he his maybe he isn't. I don't remember the media hounding Mark McGuire when he was knocking balls out the park. Maybe cause he fits that all American Image. If Bonds is on the juice, so was Mark, at least Bonds did not sit before Congress and refused to answer any questions on steroids. If you ask me both those cats were little when they got in the league, and today both are huge.
ESPN ain't hitting on nothing, time to flip some more....
BET.....Hell no....flip on my brother flip on.
TV Land......yes!!! Good Times is on........guess I can watch a little till its time to get back to the task at hand.
Dang it's hard to find good television when you know you need to be reading.


At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the media did question McGwire and his alleged use of steroids. Oh, those nasty facts.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Spike Zee said...

There is a difference between questioning, and tearing one down trying to force one to answer after an asnwer is given. In McGwire's case, the media took his answer and left him alone.


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