Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Six Flags is my favorite them park, there's something about the thrill of the roller coaster, the speed, the un-expected sharp turns, with the exception of going vertical, it's kind of like driving with me. I made my annual voyage to Six Flags in L.A., with my little sister, accompanied by some of her high school friends. I'd love to comment on some of her friends, but, lets just say, some of them have never spent time with a black guy.
There is one ride there named X that is probably the best ride I have ever been on. I cant say that the ride is scary, but it pushes you to the point of wanting to scream as it drops you, flips you and turns you at high rates of speed. It has so much going on, that you can't quite anticipate the path of the coaster, so you can't really brace yourself at any point. I rode it during the day which was cool, but when I got on it after the sun went down, it was even worse.
Check out the seats.

On another note, it funny to me the differences between the west coast and the south. Sunday in the south, ery body is in church getting there church on, Sunday on the westcoast, lawnmowers are getting cranked, and folk are getting the gardening on. It was 74 degrees on Saturday, and one cat had his leather jacket on, this time of year in the south, you trying to have a heat stroke with a leather jacket on. But the funny thing was dude did not even need to have the jacket on in the first place.

Damn I am mad Karl Rove did not get indicted. Zarqawi was killed, big deal, we knew where he was the whole time anyone, it was just beneficial to some to take him out when we did. Close Guantanamo! Either try them folk or let them go. You may not be paying much attention to things poppin off, but we got some straight up gangsta's in the White House, they are doing what the F@#$ they want to do, and we just going along. There is no real opposition party. What Constitution? Gay marriage, when the last time two gay dudes or chicks, dont wanna leave them out, kept me or anyone else from putting food on my table, I aint saying I support their crusade, but it aint on my list of top shit we need to be focusing on, we got parents trying to decide whether to put more money in the gas tank or on the table for their kids, that's real life s@#$ there. The border, folk been coming across the border doing their thing for the longest, them folk coming here getting their work on for the most part, but can you stop all the cocaine, heroin and weed from making its way into my hood? That's real life s@#$ too. Folk losing lives in Iraq, both Iraqis and our people, each should still be alive. What did the boxer Muhammad Ali say, aint no viet-cong ever called me nicca, well flip that to 9/11, aint no iraqi fly no plane in no buildings, u feel me on that? A trillion dollars spent fighting in Iraq, (actually over 320 billion) http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,,1796754,00.html and we cutting pell grants, go figure......this is our country though......I think......I'm out, four more days till I am in London.


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